'Shed Marsden' Limited Edition Commemorative Print - Dedication of the Monument

  • $23.00
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Beautiful Commemorative print of the Vernon Minewarfare and Diving Monument, drawn and reproduced as a limited edition run of only 250.

Each print is numbered and signed by the Artist ‘Shed Marsden’ with the notation printed below:

‘The Vernon Mine Warfare and Diving Monument
           Dedication Ceremony 15 July 2022’

Printed on A3 high quality fine art paper using giclee inks. Fits a standard 30cm x 40cm frame (or larger with mounts) as seen in the images.

Words from the artist Malcolm "Shed" Marsden (seen holding a print in one of the photos):

“Excited to be involved in the Vernon Mine Warfare and Diving Monument Dedication Ceremony in Gunwharf Quays. As an Army Diver for over 30 years, and one of a handful still serving who trained there before it closed, I was honoured (and terrified) to be asked to complete a commission to celebrate the day!! It is like nothing I have ever done before, completed for free to enable the Vernon Project charity to raise funds for future maintenance / insurance and to say thank you to supporters of the project. 🥴”

The Sculptor: Mark Richards FRSS.


Copyright © belongs to the Vernon Mine Warfare and Diving Monument and all rights are reserved.

As with all items on this page, a substantial contribution is being made to the Vernon Monument Project charity for each item sold. 

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