We are pleased to announce we are working with The MkV Monument Project Scholarship Program’ to manufacture and market exclusive 1/16th scale pewter 'Jake' statuettes.

A substantial donation will be made to the Scholarship fund for every statuette sold.

In 2007 Divers Gifts were awarded the contract to design, build and deliver The MkV Monument at The Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center, Panama City Beach, Florida. We are proud to continue our association with the project, US Military Divers and their supporters to this day.

The company is owned and managed by two former Royal Navy Mine Clearance Divers.


'The Mark V Monument Project' committee originally undertook a mission to fabricate and erect a ten-foot tall bronze/granite JAKE monument. This was completed in October 2012, and dedicated to all U.S. Military Diver graduates, past, present and future.

 Military Divers are among the hardest working people that willingly labor at one of the highest risk and toughest jobs in the World. They generally do not earn enough to bear the high cost of college education for their family without some kind of financial assistance.

The Mark V Monument Projects' mission is now to generate funds that will provide scholarship assistance to the children, grandchildren and spouses of U.S. Military Divers.
Your purchase will help to continue this great cause.

To read more about the building of the Mark V Monument click HERE.
