02 - Royal Navy Clearance Diver Challenge Coin

  • $14.00
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'ROYAL NAVY CLEARANCE DIVER'                                                       'PROUD TO HAVE SERVED'

Made specifically for the Royal Navy Clearance Diver (RNCD) Branch (RN insignia Badge on reverse).

Measuring:  44mm x 3mm

Supplied in a protective PVC pouch

RNCD - Presently, the Royal Navy's elite Clearance Diving branch is made up of a number of diving teams and clearance diving elements, that serve onboard Mine Hunters as part of the ships weapons system. The core of the "branch", as it is referred to by its members is made up of the following land based diving units:

Southern Diving Units 1 and 2 and Northern Diving group:  These units provide 24/7 domestic bomb and mine disposal and IED disposal cover. SDU1 covers the South West of the UK. SDU2 covers the South East of the UK, and Northern diving group covers the North, including Scotland and Northern Ireland. The units operate exactly like their counterparts from the Army, with the added skill set of being able to deal with water based munitions.

Fleet Diving Group, made up of three Diving Units:  Each unit requires new members to undergo further training depending on the specialisation of the unit they're joining.

FDU1 provides an elite team of Clearance Divers that works alongside UK Special Forces (UKSF). New members are trained in Parachuting, Maritime Counter Terrorism (MCT) tactics and SDV operations.

FDU2 comes under 3 Commando Brigade, and specialises in Very Shallow Water (VSW) beach reconnaissance operations. New members to FDU2 receive further training in VSW operations tactics. They are also required to complete additional weapons training, and Survival Evasion Resistance and Extraction (SERE) training that culminates in a resistance to interrogation phase.  Members of FDU2 train and work regularly with other specialist elements from the UK and Foreign Militaries.

FDU3 are the deep water warfare unit and specialise in dealing with modern enemy sea mines. FDU3 members will also regularly cross train with FDU2 and receive the same additional training as their team 2 colleagues.
Throughout their careers Clearance Divers will serve on a number of, if not all of the diving units within the branch, gaining a wide range of experience to take from team to team. 

Clearance Divers have been involved in every major British conflict since their inception and have most recently deployed teams to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. They have units operating permanently in the Middle East and have continuously provided an Underwater Force Protection (UWFP) element since the United States 9/11 attacks.

Training to become a Clearance Diver is notoriously extremely arduous and lasts around 7 months. The course has been known to have a 100% failure rate in the past, though usually, around 40% of trainees will make it successfully through to the end.

CHALLENGE COIN is a small coin or medallion, bearing an organisation's insignia or emblem and carried by the organisation's members. Traditionally, they might be given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale. They are also collected by military & service members and law enforcement personnel.

Modern challenge coins are made in a variety of sizes and are often made using popular culture references.  Historically, challenge coins were presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievement by a member of the unit. They are also exchanged in recognition of visits to an organisation.

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