Diver's Knife Poppy Lapel Pin Remembrance Badge

  • £5.99 GBP
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Finely detailed Diver's Knife Lapel Pin with Poppy.

The back includes a single retainer which is anchored to prevent movement. Ideal to wear on your coat or jacket to show your support. They look discreet & perfect on your lapel and are a great addition to any outfit at any time of the year in remembrance.

Measurements 39mm x 9mm x 2mm (1.5 inches in length)

RN SHIPS DIVERS:  Officers and Ratings from all branches could apply. Members of the RN who volunteered as Ship's Divers underwent a one-day aptitude test, concentrating on swimming ability and suitability for diving.

Those selected went on a four-week course, which consisted of basic compressed air (open-circuit) diving. There was also extensive instruction (and practice) on searching ships bottoms for explosives, as well as instruction in working on ship's hulls, decompression chambers and maintenance of diving equipment.

On completion, the diver returned to his ship or shore establishment PINSand to maintain their qualification (and get their diving pay) were required to dive for at least 120 minutes during each four-month period.

ROYAL NAVY CLEARANCE DIVERS: have been involved in every major British conflict since their inception and have most recently deployed teams to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. They have units operating permanently in the Middle East and have continuously provided an Underwater Force Protection (UWFP) element since the United States 9/11 attacks.

Training to become a Clearance Diver is notoriously extremely arduous and lasts around 7 months. The course has been known to have a 100% failure rate in the past, though usually, around 40% of trainees will make it successfully through to the end.

Please note that £1.00 of the sale of this item will benefit The Royal British Legion:

The Royal British Legion provides practical help, advice and support to the Armed Forces community all year round. We help serving members of the Armed Forces, ex-Service men and women, their carers and families.

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