01B - MkV US Navy Challenge Coin - Two Tone (Tinned and Brass)

  • £9.99 GBP
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Dimensions: (W)30mm x (H)48mm

Weight: 26gms

This is our best and very accurate shaped challenge coin representing the US MkV Helmet once used by the United States Military Divers. The reverse of coin displays the insignia worn by the US Navy Divers. Finished with an Antique Brass patination

Supplied in a protective PVC pouch


Challenge coin: A small coin or medallion, bearing an organisation's insignia or emblem and carried by the organisation's members. Traditionally, they might be given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale. They are also collected by military & service members and law enforcement personnel.

Modern challenge coins are made in a variety of sizes and are often made using popular culture references.  Historically, challenge coins were presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievement by a member of the unit. They are also exchanged in recognition of visits to an organisation.

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